Remedies For Constipation

Everyone is going to experience constipation at some point. The first time you experience the malady, you may not know what it is a first. You’ll feel generally uncomfortable and you’ll feel full before you even eat. Sooner or later, your feeling downright awful. But it can be an embarrassing experience which may prevent you from seeking outside help. Fortunately for you, there are natural home remedies that you can try.


Get the juices flowing with daily exercise. Exercise stimulates the body and leaves it to crave nutrients. Your body might fix the blockage itself with just a little bit of exercise. Try going for a walk for at least 20 minutes around the neighborhood to see if you shake anything loose. If you are feeling comfortable, you can try harder workout routine depending on your physical ability.

Olive Oil

Olive oil is a natural lubricant. The healthy fat actually acts to stimulate the digestive system and its consistency lubes up the tracks. Try swallowing a tablespoon of all of oil with the spritz of lemon juice on an empty stomach.


Many blockages arise because of dehydration. The stool becomes too hard to move through the bowels, so soften it up by drinking enough water. It is recommended to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water per day. Tea, soda, coffee or even sugary sports drinks will actually dehydrate you. Drink plain water.

Eat Fruits and Veggies

It is well-known that fiber helps to eliminate waste from the digestive system. Fibrous cells move through your digestive track, grabbing waste and taking it out of your system. Natural fibers found in fruits and vegetables, so eat plenty of them. You can also eat bran cereals and fibrous snack bars.

Schedule Time

Your body knows what time he wants to go to sleep. This is called the circadian cycle. But you can actually put your body on a bowel movement schedule. Pencil in a time to sit on the toilet. Make it the same time every day in order to develop a rhythm that your body will naturally follow.

Assume The Position

The human body was actually designed to go while in a crouch. This is problematic because the toilet forces us to sit rather than crouch. Putting your feet up onto a small stool while sitting on the toilet will mimic a crouch and put your bowels into a better position to eliminate waste.


Read more about constipation problems here.