
Coffee is the one of the most favorite and popular morning drink on the earth after tea due to its delicious aroma and flavor. I also like it drink coffee in the early morning on my bed before starting my day. Coffee has strong ability to get up on the bed to start your good day. It is also comes from plant named “coffea”, it produce the berries from which coffee is extracted. According to several researches it has been proven that drinking coffee providing numerous health benefits as any other health drink.

So start reading the health benefits of drinking coffee as follows:

  1. A cup of coffee contains only 2 calories and no fat. The same cup of coffee also contains calcium and potassium, in which calcium is necessary for strong and healthy bones. People add cream and sugar in the coffee for extra smoothies, it increase the calories and fat content in it.
  2. The regular consumption of coffee helps to reduce the risk of certain type of cancers like liver cancer and colon. According to research done by Harvard medical school, it helps to reduce the risk of prostate, breast and lung cancer.
  3. It contains magnesium and chromium, which helps our body in the use of insulin, that helps to regulate the blood sugar level to prevent against type 2 diabetes.
  4. Drinking coffee on regular basis helps to lowering the risk of developing dementia, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. Coffee contains a unknown substance which interacted closely with caffeine to boost GCSF, a growth factor known to ward off Alzheimer’s disease.
  5. Drinking at least 2 cup of coffee in a day for women helps to protect against the feelings of depression.
  6. Start drinking coffee before doing exercises and workouts, it helps to beat the muscle pain after workout, it helps to reduce tiredness during workout session.
  7. According to American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), if coffee drunk by pregnant lady helps to prevent from miscarriage, premature delivery or fetal growth.

I hope after reading all the above said in this article is enough to start drinking coffee daily. It may be many other health benefits like cirrhosis, gout, asthma, prevent cavities, helps to increase your endurance. Coffee reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke, prevent constipation, prevalence of metabolic syndrome. Also prevent bloating, stomach pain, flatulence, keep blood pressure maintain, beat sleeplessness and reduce heartburn. If you know more health benefits of drinking coffee, then please share your knowledge with us through our comment box.